MacBook vs PC: Which is Better for College Students?

January 18, 2022

MacBook vs PC: Which is Better for College Students?

As a college student, deciding whether to pick a MacBook or PC as your primary device can be overwhelming. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, and you need to weigh up your priorities before making a decision. In this blog post, we'll give an unbiased comparison of both technologies to help you make an informed choice.


Let's face it, college students are not usually flush with money, so the price is an important factor to consider. Generally speaking, PCs are cheaper than Macs. You can buy a decent PC laptop for under $500, while MacBook prices start at around $1,000. However, if we consider a long-term investment, MacBook tends to have a better resale value than PCs, retaining about 45% of their value after three years compared to 15% for non-Mac PCs.


For college students, a device that can withstand daily wear and tear is a must. MacBooks are made up of aluminum, which gives them sturdy build quality. They have been known for their durability over the years, and thus they are largely considered to be superior in terms of long-term durability when compared to PC laptops.

Battery Life

For those long study sessions in the library, battery life is a crucial factor. MacBooks generally have a better battery life than PCs. MacBook Air, for example, can last up to 12 hours on a single full charge, while most PC laptops can last up to 8 hours.


Modern MacBook devices come with an M1 chip, engineered by Apple. This chip has significantly boosted performance power for apps and allows higher compatibility with iOS applications. While the raw processing power can be debated, it's undeniable that MacBook has a significant edge in terms of user experience, particularly when compared to mid-range PCs. However, when it comes to gaming performance or other high-end applications, Windows-based PCs generally have an edge over MacBook.

Software Availability

Finally, when it comes to software availability, Windows-based PCs provide more options than Apple's macOS. Apple's devices prioritize a limited set of applications, whereas Windows-based PCs are more flexible in terms of basic and professional software availability. However, integrations across Apple's stable devices and applications do have various benefits for both personal and professional use.

In conclusion, both MacBook and PC have their own strengths and weaknesses, and your choice of device should ultimately depend on your priorities. If you're looking for a long-term device that can support you even after college, MacBook has an edge in terms of durability, battery life, and user experience. However, if you are prioritizing software availability or if gaming is a high priority, a Windows-based PC can be an ideal choice.


  • "Mac Vs PC: 2022 Best Comparison (And My Honest Opinions)." N.p., 2022. Web. 15 Jan. 2022.
  • "Mac Vs PC: What'S The Best Computer For Your Needs?." Forbes. N.p., 2022. Web. 15 Jan. 2022.

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